If neither --pecl nor --git are explicitely given, pharext looks for a pharext_package.php in --source.

This script will be exectuted by the Packager. It must return an instance of pharext\SourceDir, which provides every information the packager needs to build the PHAR.

Here’s the interface declaration of pharext\SourceDir:


namespace pharext;

 * Source directory interface, which should yield file names to package on traversal
interface SourceDir extends \Traversable
     * Retrieve the base directory
     * @return string
    public function getBaseDir();

     * Retrieve gathered package info
     * @return array|Traversable
    public function getPackageInfo();

     * Retrieve the full text license
     * @return string
    public function getLicense();

     * Provide installer command line args
     * @return array|Traversable
    public function getArgs();

     * Process installer command line args
     * @param \pharext\Cli\Args $args
    public function setArgs(Cli\Args $args);

Example for pecl_http


namespace pharext;

class PeclHttp extends SourceDir\Git
    private $args = [
        [null, "with-http-zlib-dir", "Where to find zlib",
        [null, "with-http-libcurl-dir", "Where to find libcurl",
        [null, "with-http-libevent-dir", "Where to find libevent",
        [null, "with-http-libidn-dir", "Where to find libidn",

    public function getPackageInfo() {
        return [
            "name" => "pecl_http",
            "release" => current(preg_filter("/^.*PHP_PECL_HTTP_VERSION\s+\"(.*)\".*$/s", "\$1", file($this->path."/php_http.h"))),
            "zend" => false,

    public function getLicense() {
        return file_get_contents($this->path . "/LICENSE");

    public function getArgs() {
        return $this->args;

    public function setArgs(Cli\Args $args) {
        foreach ($this->args as $arg) {
            $name = $arg[1];
            if (isset($args[$name])) {
                $args->configure = "--{$name}={$args[$name]}";

return new PeclHttp(__DIR__);